
Content versus Context: What's The Difference?

Today, content is an essential component of almost every online activity. Because of the expansion of the internet, a totally new sector of marketing, content marketing, was formed. Its significance to the typical brand demonstrates the value of great content. However, content by itself has minimal impact. A delivery strategy is required for content to be effective in marketing. Your content delivery strategy guarantees that people see it. It broadens your reach and enables you to engage with your target audience. If you don't promote your content, it will essentially get nowhere. The context of your content is really what makes it valuable to your audience. Or, less ideally, it is what renders it meaningless.
Context is also what defines an efficient delivery strategy. It might also be what makes it a bad one. It depends on the situation.

Let's see what's the difference between content versus context.

Content is information that you share with your target audience. Blog entries, videos, pitch sheets, descriptions, research papers, and other forms of content are all acceptable. The situation or condition in which a person perceives your content that provides it value is referred to as context. Context can originate from a variety of sources, including:

  • The hour of the day.
  • The title of a person's job.
  • The commencement of a company's financial year.

Context also includes whether or not a person is aware of your company. Context can apply to circumstances that are highly intimate and detailed, but it can also apply to circumstances that are broad in scope. The pandemic provided a new context for several firms' marketing strategies. Seasonality and community customs provide context for small companies attempting to attract buyers' attention.
You have no influence over any individual's circumstance. However, with the correct tools and approach, you may exert control over the setting in which your content is viewed by defining the conditions under which it is posted.
This is called context marketing.

Context Marketing

Context marketing is the technique of sending the right marketing message to the correct person at the correct time.
It is more crucial than content marketing alone since we are constantly bombarded with information. Every day, we view dozens of advertisements; inevitably, their influence on the ordinary consumer diminishes.

Context marketing gives your content a new depth, allowing viewers to engage with it in a more personal manner. It refers to a specific problem they are experiencing or an interest they have. In today's world, digital marketing is heavily dependent on AI like social listening tools, search algorithms, advanced CRM software with AI integrations and PPC bidding processes. It is vital to handle context marketing with care. Your context marketing approach will be meaningless unless you have a solid plan and the correct data.

How to give context to your content:

1. Know your target audience

Every brand needs to know their audience really well. It's an important aspect of real-world marketing. You need to give attention to the thought process of the audience, make detailed buyer personas and targeted audience examples.
Context marketing seeks to make the buyer's consumer experience more natural and simplified. Find out where and why individuals get stuck in the sales funnel. Utilize this data to generate ideas about how you may assist them in overcoming these challenges.

2. Create helpful content

Your content strategy should be focused on the challenges you want to help potential clients solve. If your clients are having difficulty comprehending how your solutions meet their particular needs then consider developing case studies, instructive articles, or explainer films to highlight how your services meet their unique demands. Create product brochures that clarify the specs of each one of your products and services to help buyers when they are confused. Develop introductory content, such as a "about us" video, if brand recognition is one of your problems.

3. Use personalization tags

Your CRM data marketing automation tools will play a role here. The goal of context marketing is to tailor experiences wherever feasible. Set up prompts to offer the most useful info to your viewers at the most appropriate moment. Deploy a chatbot in the website to help potential customers, send a cart abandonment email if users leave without purchasing the items in the cart, use a smart form for a user to visits a website for the second time so that they don't have to refill the details, display an ad when a user is close to a retail location. There's so much you can do with dynamic features.

When people are spending time researching your products make sure they have a personalized experience. Put content that the audience is really invested in, put content that is relatable for them. This is where content marketing shifts to context marketing. You can also check out Rishraj Media for integrated marketing and branding solutions.